QUAKE LIVE | List of Votes

Our QUAKE LIVE servers have custom vote functionality installed.

To use these - type /callvote (or /cv for short), then the vote name itself.

List of all votable actions:

Vote Description Usage
freecam Enables free-camming around the arena in a team-based game. /cv freecam [on/off]
infiniteammo Enables infinite ammo on all weapons. /cv infiniteammo [on/off]
alltalk Enables voice communication between teams during the game. /cv alltalk [on/off]
chatsounds Enables the chat-activated sounds triggered by words. /cv chatsounds [on/off]
allready Forces the game to start. /cv allready
abort Abort the current game. /cv abort
silence Silences a player for 10 minutes. /cv silence <id>
floordamage Permits damage to go through floors/walls/surfaces etc. /cv floordamage [on/off]
spec Move the player specified to the spectators. /cv spec <id>
tempban Ban the specified player until the map changes. /cv tempban <id>
lock Lock both or specified team(s). /cv lock (team)
unlock Unlock both or specified team(s). /cv unlock (team)
roundtimelimit Changes the round time limit (specified in seconds). /cv roundtimelimit [90/120/180]
balancing Enables/disables the elo/glicko team balancing system. /cv balancing [on/off]
balance Balances the teams using the glicko algorithm. /cv balance
lgdamage Changes Lightning Gun damage/knockback. /cv lgdamage [6/7]
rgdamage Changes Railgun damage. /cv rgdamage [80/100]
runes Enables/disables runes. /cv runes [on/off]
lgammo Change starting lightning gun ammo. /cv lgammo [150/200]
glammo Change starting grenade launcher ammo. /cv glammo [5/10]
randommap Randomly picks a map and calls it as a vote. /cv randommap
gibs Enable server-forced gibs for all players. /cv gibs [on/off]
autobot Enable/disable the bot balancing system. /cv autobot [on/off]
do Forces the suggested switch. /cv do
crouchslide Enable/disable crouch sliding (Q4). /cv crouchslide [on/off]
reboot Restarts the Quake server (takes 5 seconds). /cv reboot
go Balances and begins the game. /cv go